AWS IoT Sensors

AWS IoT Sensors

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개발자: 최신 버전: 업데이트 날짜:
Amazon Mobile LLC. 1.0 30/04/2024
AWS IoT Sensors enables you to easily collect, and visualize data from sensors on your device using AWS IoT Core and related services like Amazon Location Service. With just a single click, you can start streaming sensor data from your mobile device to AWS IoT Core and view real-time visualizations in the app and on a web dashboard.

AWS IoT Sensors supports built-in sensors, including accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, barometer, and GPS. It provides a frictionless way for you to use AWS IoT Core without requiring an AWS account, credit card, or prior AWS or IoT experience. The app is designed for ease-of-use and to showcase how AWS IoT can be leveraged to collect, process, and visualize sensor data for IoT applications.


Q: What sensors does AWS IoT Sensors support?
A: AWS IoT Sensors supports accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, orientation, barometer, and GPS sensors. GPS and location data is visualized on a map using Amazon Location Service if you enable location access.

Q: Do I need an AWS account to use AWS IoT Sensors?
A: No, you do not need an AWS account to use AWS IoT Sensors. The app provides a frictionless way to visualize and analyze sensor data without needing to sign up for anything.

Q: Is there a cost to use AWS IoT Sensors?
A: AWS IoT Sensors is free to download and use. There are no charges for visualizing sensor data within the app or web dashboard.

새로운 소식

AWS IoT Sensors로 한 번의 클릭으로 기기의 센서 데이터를 시각화하세요.

AWS IoT Core와 Amazon Location Service 등의 관련 서비스를 사용하여 Android 휴대폰이나 태블릿의 센서 데이터를 쉽게 시각화할 수 있습니다. 한 번의 클릭으로 모바일 기기의 센서 데이터를 AWS IoT Core로 스트리밍하고 앱과 웹 대시보드에서 실시간 시각화를 볼 수 있습니다.



그것을 켜:

AWS IoT Sensors on Google Play


패킷 이름:

안드로이드 버전:


게시 날짜:

AWS IoT Sensors