Scarica APK Qr Code Scanner Ultima versione

Scarica APK Qr Code Scanner Ultima versione

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khanhquynhco. 1.0.3 08/10/2024

Scarica APK Qr Code Scanner Ultima versione Install APK


Downloading Scarica APK Qr Code Scanner Ultima versione

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Use Scanner for QR Code and Barcode Plus:
- To scan and read wifi passwords at home
- Log in and order food at restaurants and pubs
- To scan barcodes on products you have at home and search for them on the Internet
- To share information with friends and family
- To scan QR codes and barcodes in books and magazines
- To scan codes on boarding passes for various means of transportation

Scanner for QR Code and Barcode Plus is a beautifully designed QR and Barcode reading and decoding app that is easy to use and works great in your everyday situations. Scanning QR codes or Barcodes will always be at your fingertips with our Scanner app for QR Codes and Barcodes.

The application supports all QR formats
Why Scanner for QR Code and Barcode Plus is a good choice:
- It's fast and reliable
- All your scans are saved in history
- Use a flashlight to scan in the dark
- It supports all QR and Barcode formats

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Get it on:

Scarica APK Qr Code Scanner Ultima versione on Google Play


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