PitchPerfect Guitar Tuner

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NCH Software. 3.12 24/10/2018
PitchPerfect is a free guitar tuner that eliminates the need of tuning a guitar conventionally and will automatically detect the note you are playing. Tune your strings quickly and easily to any note you want!

Simply play the string you want to tune to see if you are sharp, flat, or in perfect pitch. PitchPerfect has automatic note detection, so that tuning your guitar to alternative tuning patterns is easy. With its highly accurate pitch detection, PitchPerfect can help expand your repertoire, and will have you sounding better than ever. Whether you play the guitar, cello, double bass, mandolin, ukulele, violin, viola or almost any other instrument this tuner is a must have app for all musicians to have on hand.

PitchPerfect tuning software is ideal for guitar players and other musicians, greatly improving the quality of your guitar's sound!

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Minor bug fixes


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PitchPerfect Guitar Tuner