Télécharger APK TempoPerfect Metronome Dernière version

Télécharger APK TempoPerfect Metronome Dernière version

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NCH Software. 4.09 02/06/2015

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Downloading Télécharger APK TempoPerfect Metronome Dernière version com.nchsoftware.tempoperfect.apk

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TempoPerfect is Free Metronome App for keeping a clear and precise beat.

Metronomes are essential for keeping time, improving practice sessions, and for developing a consistent rhythmic feel. With TempoPerfect musicians can accurately set the correct beats per minute (BPM) for any simple or compound tempo. Additional features allow you to subdivide beat patterns to hear tricky patterns like triplets, or accent the first beat in a measure when working in difficult time signatures.

TempoPerfect also includes a tempo guide chart to quickly translate Italian tempo markings, so not only will you practice at the correct BPM, but you'll finally learn the difference between largo, andante, allegro and prestissimo.

What's new

* Landscape and Portrait views now available


Musique et audio

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